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Steambirds: Alliance
(Spry Fox) (2019)
"Shoot 'em up" MMO
Role: Game Designer​



  • Designed 35 unique boss battles.


  • Scripted AI on 300+ units.


  • Designed 14 procedurally generated dungeons with unique game mechanics. ​​


  • Developed and implemented systems:

    • Arena-style encounters with waves of enemies

    • Classic “vertical-scrolling Shmup” levels

    • Tutorials with complex NPCs, advanced crafting progression

    • Bullet hell patterns/mechanics

    • “Controller” units that oversee complex combat scenarios, etc. 


  • Authored content for: Quests, weapons, equipment, items, events, modifiers, etc.


  • Other tasks: Assisted with art/sound direction, audio engineering, balanced content in response to player feedback, hosted dev streams on Twitch.

Video / Media

Launch Trailer

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